Book The History Of Music in Sketchies (Deyries Lemery Sadler)

Book The History Of Music in Sketchies (Deyries Lemery Sadler)

Sku: 1.0789

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In this volume, which entertains by educating and educates by entertaining, the greatest moments of the exciting adventure of music through the ages are presented. From the devotional chants and songs of the workers in Ancient Egypt, to the rigor of the Gregorian Melos and the carefree melodies of the minstrels, and from there to the polyphony of the Middle Ages and the musical richness of the Renaissance.

Meet with us the exuberant Handel, the perfectionist Beethoven, the fiery patriot Verdi, the lyrical Puccini, the cosmopolitan Stravinsky and the unorthodox experimentalist Cage...

 The protagonists of this story did not found kingdoms, explore stormy oceans or set foot on the moon. But they worked with passion and dedication, and revealed to humanity the enchanting and wonderful Musical Universe

  • In this volume, which entertains by educating and educates by entertaining, the greatest moments of the exciting adventure of music through the ages are presented. From the devotional chants and songs of the workers in Ancient Egypt, to the rigor of the Gregorian Melos and the carefree melodies of the minstrels, and from there to the polyphony of the Middle Ages and the musical richness of the Renaissance.

    Meet with us the exuberant Handel, the perfectionist Beethoven, the fiery patriot Verdi, the lyrical Puccini, the cosmopolitan Stravinsky and the unorthodox experimentalist Cage...

     The protagonists of this story did not found kingdoms, explore stormy oceans or set foot on the moon. But they worked with passion and dedication, and revealed to humanity the enchanting and wonderful Musical Universe